Simul Bista

Software Developer


With an extensive background in Java, JavaScript, and other tech stacks, Simul Bista is an accomplished software developer with over three years of experience. He brings valuable project management skills, having led multiple teams and instructed over 100 students. Simul has a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions and is dedicated to leveraging technology to create a positive impact in the community. As a proactive team player, he takes full responsibility for projects, ensuring their success from start to finish while actively seeking opportunities to make a broader, positive impact.



Back-end Technologies

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Security
  • J2EE
  • JAVA Servlets
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS

Front-end Technologies

  • ReactJS
  • AngularJS
  • Material UI
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Tailwind.css

Databases Technologies

  • MongoDB
  • Oracle (PL/SQL)
  • MySQL
  • H2 Database Engine


  • TypeScript
  • Git
  • Maven
  • XML
  • JSON
  • JWT
  • Lombok
  • Postman
  • Thunder Client
  • Thymeleaf
  • Vercel
  • Linux
  • Bash Scripting

Featured Projects

  • Budget Buddy

Budget Buddy is a financial management web application that utilizes Spring Boot (spring security) for the backend, ReactJS for the frontend and employs MongoDB as the database. It includes features such as authentication, personal expense and income tracking, and collaborative group finance management.

  • Petal Express

A specialized e-commerce platform delivers various flowers, offering authentication, product information, order and cart management features. The backend uses ExpressJS and NodeJS with MongoDB, and there are two frontends: one in ReactJS and the other in AngularJS.

  • Pet Mgmt App - PawfectPal

A JAVA Spring boot pet management application that allows the user to manage pet information (CRUD) using Spring MVC, Tomcat server, H2 db, Spring JPA, Lombok, command line runner, Thymeleaf (form binding, fragments, conditionals), and bootstrap.

  • Book-Library-XML-REST-API

XML REST API Spring Boot Application that provides different API endpoints to manage books in a H2 database (Spring Data JPA, Tomcat, Lombok, jackson, jaxb)

  • Restaurant Web Application

A Java Spring Boot restaurant web application (REST APIs, Spring Data JPA, Spring MVC, Maven, Spring Dev Tools, Lombok, Postman, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap) that retrieves dish data from H2 in memory database.

  • Travel Website

Travel Website that uses html, css and vanilla javascript.

  • Humber Employer Engagement Event Portal

Humber College's Employer Engagement Event Website that uses html, css, bootstrap and vanilla javascript.

  • J2EE DB Prog. Using Servlets

A J2EE web app that uses java servlet and mysql database to insert(validation) and fetch data.

  • J2EE Two Tier Web App

Two tier client-server J2EE web app where the client uses html form to sends data to the server(JAVA Servlet) where server side validation is applied before displaying the result.

  • J2EE MVC Friend's Info Web App

Use MVC Framework to handle CRUD operations in the J2EE web app using MYSQL database.

Other Projects

  • Android-Event-Form

An android app that uses xml and java (intents) to submit event data to the native app calendar (stores photo taken from the native camera app to the form).

  • Ontario-RRSP-and-Tax-Calculation-Android-App

Android application to calculate rrsp and tax for annual income of year 2022 (xml and java)

  • Books-Record-App-Using-Express-JS-Handlebars

A Node/Express js Application that uses template engines (handlebars) to display records of books from Books.json file with different routing that has features such as filter data(using form) by book title and book id, highlight book record based on their count.

  • RestaurantApp

A node/Express js web app about restaurants that interacts with mongodb (using thunderclient) to perform CRUD operations.

  • IT Equip. Purchasing c# Console App

A c# console application where user can make individual/mass IT equipment purchase (with randomly generated accessories) based on the chosen type. The app utilizes various data structures and design patterns.

  • Dishcovery - Android Cooking App

An android cooking app (java/xml) that has features such as recipe catalog, filter, recommendation and many more.

  • User Management App

Customer Record, product and staff management app that uses java, jdbc,sql server along with read-write to text/binary files.

  • Restaurant Portal Design

A US based restaurant portal redesign using WordPress.

  • Analysis of TTC Bus Delay

Analysis of the Factors that Affect Bus Delay in Toronto using big data technologies such as hadoop(hdfs),hive and spark.

  • Analysis/Prediction of Price of Diamond

Analysis/Prediction of the price of diamond using regression model (python, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn).

  • Prediction/Analysis of Healthy Life Expectancy

Prediction of healthy life expectancy and identification of factors influencing it.